Your Child’s Development

Is Our Focus

Early Intervention and Other Services for Children With Learning Difficulties Contact


Support Your Child’s Learning Progress With Our Services

At Atelier Fokus, we offer special education services to help develop your child’s mind and creativity. We advocate early intervention to provide your little one with the opportunity to achieve his or her full potential.

What We Do

Our team of specialized educators collaborates with a variety of professionals in overcoming language, motor, sensory and behavioural difficulties. Professionals conduct assessments and evaluations to assist our specialized educators in implementing integration plans that are fit for your little one.

About Us

We are Early Childhood Specialized Educators who are ready, motivated, and skilled to work with children in daycare centers.  Our goal is to implement intervention approaches based around the child’s interests and preferences while offering classroom support to help reach their developmental milestones. Learn More

Contact Us Today!

Call us today to discuss how we can help. We’d love to hear from you soon! Talk to Us
